I was nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by Gabrielle from
Gaborillaa. The Liebster Award is an award that helps bring recognition to up and coming blogs with under 200 followers.
Here are the rules:
1. You must link the blogger who nominated you.
2. You must list 10 random facts about yourself.
3. You must answer 10 questions given to you by your nominee.
4. You must choose 10 bloggers (who all have less than 200 followers) to be nominated for the award.
5. You must come up with 10 questions for the nominee to answer.
6. Once you have done this you must go to their blog and let them know you have nominated them for this award.
The blogger who nominated me is Gabrielle from
Gaborillaa. Please go check out her blog, she has some great posts and I can't wait to see her grow as a blogger. I want to thank you for nominating me for this award since I too am very new to blogging, I didn't even know this existed!
Random Facts:
I have traveled to 14 different countries
The only pets I've had are fish and a guinea pig whom I named Alex
I wish I could speak more languages but the only one that I speak fluently is English
I plan on either studying abroad or doing the Disney College Program (or both!)
I have had 3 jobs so far: I'm a Mary Kay consultant, I worked as an intern at my Dad's work this summer, and last summer I worked at Dairy Queen.
I love just about anything sweet and sugary
I want to spend a year living in Europe and traveling all around the world
Pink is my favorite color and has been since I was 5
I am extremely sentimental
I have loved photography and taking pictures ever since I got my first camera
Now, onto the questions:
1. What is your favorite makeup brand?
My favorite makeup brand is Mary Kay or Covergirl.
2. When did you start blogging and why?
I started blogging on this blog in June of 2013, so about a month ago, but I have always had an interest in blogs. I have had tumblr blogs for about 4 years now and have been watching youtube videos and reading related blogs (youtubers that have blogs) for even longer. I guess I started blogging out of curiosity, to see what it is like. I wanted to have a youtube channel and a blog that go hand in hand but I haven't figured out how to keep both very current. The last reason I started blogging is because as a nineteen year old, I feel like I am at a very different and interesting place in my life and thinking towards my future I think having a blog can help me a lot. My current major in college could transition and help me with some of the things I'd like to use this blog for: travel and food, although I also want it to be fashion and makeup. Long story short, I got inspired one day and decided, "why not make a blog."
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
I would travel back to Italy or to Greece. I got to spend a few days in Italy while on vacation with family and have wanted to go back ever since, but I'd also like to travel to Greece because I have never been there. Greece looks beautiful from all the pictures that I have seen.
4. What is your favorite nail polish topcoat?
I haven't tried many topcoats but I have a Revlon one that works pretty well.
5. What could you survive without, nail polish or makeup?
My answer would have to be, nail polish. Although I love having painted nails, I don't think I could choose that over makeup.
6. Short or long nails?
Short! Whenever my nails get to be too long, they start to bother me. Dirt will somehow get underneath them and my nails will break a little. I think long nails look pretty but I prefer mine medium length or short (because mine grow so quickly!)
7. What is your favorite book and movie?
Favorite movie: The Proposal
Favorite book: Oh I can't decide, I love reading too much and can't pick just one, but I have been thinking a lot about the book, A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, and have been wanting to read The Kite Runner, which is also by him.
8. Which beauty icon do you look up to most? (they can be celebrity, Youtuber, designer, etc.)
Since I can't choose just one, here are a few of my favorites: Lauren Conrad, Diana Agron, and Emma Watson.
9. What has been your favorite nail art trend so far? (caviar, magnetic, shatter, water marble, etc.)
I think my favorite would be shatter because it was so unique when it first came out and it looks pretty cool. Unfortunately, I'm not great at painting my nails so the only trends out of the ones listed that I have actually tried are caviar and shatter. I tried the caviar trend and thought it looked cool but I don't think it is the most practical. It is easy to make a mess when doing this trend and what if you swallow one of those beads?!?! That was all I could think of when I did caviar nails.
10. If you could have your own makeup or nail polish line, what would you call it?
I'd call it Simply Nicole or something along those lines. I typically tend to go for a more natural/simple/classic look with makeup and nail polish, but I do like to try and experiment as well, especially with new trends.
Now for my Nominees:
(Please check out these awesome ladies with less than 200 followers)
My questions:
1. What is your 3 favorite makeup items?
2. What is your favorite store to shop in?
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
4. Tea or coffee?
5. Do you have any pets?
6. If you could have any job, what would it be?
7. What is your favorite dessert?
8. Do you collect anything? If yes, what is it?
9. What is your favorite season?
10. Describe your music taste.
x, nicole